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Exploring the World of Actuarial Science


The College of Science at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) hosted an enlightening event titled "Time with an Actuary" on the 26th of July, 2023. The event took place at SF1 of Aboagye Menyeh Complex of the College, attracting a diverse audience of students eager to gain insights into the realm of actuarial science and its real-world applications. The session, organized by Prof. Gabriel Asare Okyere and Dr. Samuel Asante Gyamerah, aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications in the field of actuarial science. The event ran from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM, offering a comprehensive exploration of the subject matter.


The primary focus of the session was to provide attendees, predominantly students pursuing studies in actuarial science, statistics, and related disciplines, with a deeper understanding of how actuarial concepts and theories find application in real-world scenarios across various industries. The session was structured to encompass diverse aspects of actuarial work, ranging from risk assessment and financial modelling to data analysis and decision-making processes. Click to read more