Brief History
The College of Science Library originated from the amalgamation of seven (7) satellite libraries within the College. These comprised the libraries of the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Theoretical and Applied Biology, Mathematics, Biochemistry & Biotechnology, Computer Science, and Optometry.
Hitherto, the library of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Biology, at the basement of the department’s building, doubled as the College library.
The College of Science Library houses materials on Pure and Applied Science and provides physical and digital access to materials on Physics, Chemistry, Theoretical and Applied Biology, Mathematics, Biochemistry Biotechnology, Computer Science, and Optometry. The library also provides a conducive learning environment that supports teaching, learning, and research in accordance with the core mission of the College.
Having gone through some transformation under different leaders and finally with the invaluable support of the then Provost, Prof. Aboagye Menyeh, all the satellite libraries were merged and relocated within the new Aboagye Menyeh complex as the College of Science Library in the year 2010.
The College of Science Library
The College of Science Library is an integral part of the University’s library system. It provides materials on science in both print and electronic format to the entire college to support teaching, learning and research, in accordance with the College’s core mandate.
The library’s stock, therefore, includes core textbooks, journals, newspapers, and theses. The metadata of the library’s resources may be assessed online via


Bring your own device facility for training and the students/staff use to access the E-library resources. it provides seemless kutsnets access.
The Library materials are classified according to the Library of Congress Classification Scheme: Under this scheme, various subject fields within the sciences are classified as follows:
Q Science (General)
QA Mathematics
QB Astronomy
QC Physics
QD Chemistry
QE Geology
QH Natural History (General)
Biology (General)
QK Botany
QL Zoology
QM Human Anatomy
QP Physiology
QR Microbiology
And many others.
Online Databases
Subscriptions to the following online resources are also paid for, and can be accessed within the KNUST Network:
1. EBSCO Host Publications -
Subject: -all subjects-abstracts, full text and reviews.
2. Emerald -
Subject: -Management, Library and information management, engineering, computer science-full text and abstracts
3. Mary Ann Liebert –
Subject- Biomedical research, clinical medicine, surgery, law and science
4. Multilingual Matters -
Subject: - language journals
5. National Academic Press -
6. Beech Tree Publications -
Subject: -Public policy for science and technology Research Environmental, social, health and other impacts. Three international, peer-reviewed academic journals
7. Gale Thompson Learning
a) Expanded Academic ASAP: -
Subjects: -economics, topics in business and finance, anthropology, archaeology, computing and computers, education art, literature, music, history international relations, law sociology, philosophy, religion
b) Health and Wellness Resource Center-
Subjects:-various topics in medicine and health STDs and AIDS psychology and mental health nursing includes the BMJ and JAMA
8. Blackwell Publishing -
Over 800 peer-reviewed journals in a wide range of academic disciplines
9. American Physical Society -
Access to the Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) and ten journals produced by the American Physical Society. Subjects: - Physics, Atomic, molecular and optical physics, condensed matter and materials physics, Nuclear physics particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, Statistical, non-linear, and soft matter physics, accelerators and beams, physics education research
10. Annual Reviews -
Subjects: - Biomedical sciences, physical sciences and social sciences
11. Oxford University Press -
Subject: All subjects
12. Cochrane Library (John Wiley and Sons)
Subject: - All branches of medicine and healthcare, especially evidence-based medicine clinical trials
13. Royal Society for Chemistry -
RSC Journals Archive
14. AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture)
Subject: - Agriculture and related fields-full text and abstracts
15. HINARI (Health Internetwork Access to Research Initiative)
Subject: - Medical, biomedical sciences, health and related fields-full text and abstracts
16. ELDIS (Electronic Development Information System) –
17. INASP (Directory of Free and Open Access Online Resources) -
Subject: - Multidisciplinary
18. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) -
Subject: Multidisciplinary
19. Scientific Electronic Online (SciLEO) -
SciELO is a collection of journals published within Latin America and Spain, available free online. There are 5 country collections and a Public Health Collection.
21. TEEAL -
The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library is a comprehensive full-text collection of core journals in the field of over 140 agricultural and related sciences. It is CD-based. Full text available at INSTI-CSIR, Accra.
22. Science and Technology Information System (SIST)-
Central SIST -
Ghana SIST -
Subject: Multidisciplinary
24. World Bank Publications -
25. Beech Tree Publishing -
Public policy for science and technology Research Environmental, social, health and other impact
26. JSTOR -
27. Institute of Physics (IOP) -
28. British Medical Central -
29.OARE (Online Access to Research in the Environment) -