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The Department of Food Science and Technology, KNUST holds maiden Short Course on Applied Rheology

Applied Rheology

The Centre for Capacity Building and Innovation (CCBI) in collaboration with the Department of Food Science and Technology (FST)  and the University of British Columbia, Canada, held it's maiden short course in Applied Rheology using a state-of-art Rheometer acquired by FST. This was in line with KNUST's mission of advancing knowledge in science and technology through creating an environment for undertaking relevant research, quality teaching, entrepreneurship training and community engagement to improve the quality of life. The three day short course was mainly coordinated and spearheaded by Professor Jacob K. Agbenorhevi from the Department of Food Science and Technology and jointly facilitated with Prof. Vassilis Kontogiorgos from the University of British Columbia, Canada (UBC).

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Applied Rheology